10 Bad Ass Things About DOGZPLOT In MILWAUKEE

1. Running into Eastern Michigan University partner in crime, Jesse Eagle. It's always cool when someone does their first public reading and Jesse got to throw down for the first time in his hometown of Milwaukee, which also happens to be the same night that fellow Britton, Michigander, Duane Below, pitched his first MLB game for the Detroit Tigers. A 1.8 ERA in his first outting. Congrats to both Jesse and Duane for their success. And here's to many more words and many more fastballs. Keep on keeping on fellas. Also Jesse, thanks for the lift and the great conversations.

2. Finally getting to meet some folks I've otherwise only known through the internets. Madman David Tomaloff and his wife Jennifer, Robert Vaughan, Matt Specht, and Michael Seidel.

3. Armwrestling. Who won every match? I did. Specht man, if you scared, just say you scared.

4. "Introducing Lauryn to new friends in the alley."

5. Found the Art Bar, a really cool spot after the reading to hang out, grab a pizza and some local beer. It is Milwaukee, It's pretty mandatory that if you aren't from Milwaukee (or even if you are I suppose), you have to come here and drink some shit you never heard of before. I went with Bitburger, which was pretty decent for a Germanesque pilsner.

6. Thanks to Frankie Migacz for the ride from Chicago to Milwaukee and thanks for traveling that steep a distance for a literary event. Much appreciated on both counts. Your reading was right on right on bro.

7. Leah, really?

8. It's always cool running into friends in some city that neither of you are from. This time was no exception. Very cool to see some Chicago peeps, Simon A. Smith and his wife Romi, and Kari Freitag, although she is in Milwaukee for good now I think.

9. Ma Fischer's diner. Excellent butter pecan and hot fudge sundae. I wanted caramel but they were out.

10. Super cool bookstore, Woodland Pattern, with excellent staff and book selections, and mad support for their local authors. Thanks for letting us throw down at WP.